Tuesday, August 7, 2012

basil syrup

basil syrup

basil is a summer time favorite.  pesto for pastas, tomato sauces, salad mixes, caprese salads, lovely additions to the flower or herb beds are just a few examples as to why we love basil.

but did you know that basil is a natural anti-inflammatory as well as antibacterial, antioxidant, antiseptic, antiviral, and antispasmodic, medicinally speaking. 

basil has an amazingly long list of ways it can help heal the body including:  

  • keeps digestion running smoothly
  • keeps the immune system healthy
  • kidney strengthener 
  • anti-stress agent
  • insect bites
  • mouth infections
  • asthma
  • bronchitis
  • the common cold & the flu
  • headache relief
  • children's complaints such as colds, coughs, fever, diarrhea, and vomiting
  • reduces cholesterol
  • calms your nerves
  •  plus many, many more things

 and if i haven't sung basil's praises enough, it also includes has vitamins A, C, and K as well as folate, calcium, choline, copper, iron, magnesium, manganese, phosphorous, potassium, and sodium.

so eat some basil already will ya?!?!  :)

here's the basil syrup recipe i made today that can be used drizzled over ice cream, fresh fruits, berries, or just give your kids a tablespoon when that sore throat hits or that cough won't go away.

gather these ingredients:

1/2 cup fresh basil or 1/4 cup dried basil
1 cup water
1 cup raw sugar

step 1:

put the basil and water in a saucepan, bring to a boil, then turn off the heat and let steep for 10 minutes (or longer if you want it a bit stronger)

step 2:

strain off the liquid (keep this) and discard (aka compost) the basil. 

step 3:

put the basil liquid (basil tea at this point :) ) back in the saucepan and add the sugar, stir together until the sugar melts.  bring back to a boil and boil for 5-7 minutes (be sure to stir often during this process).  turn off the heat and let the basil syrup cool.

step 4:

after the basil syrup has cooled, put it in the sealed container of your choice.  label it with the date as it will keep in the fridge for about 2 months.

easy peasy and soooo delicious!!  enjoy!!



keishua said...

yum! i have a ton of basil this summer. glad to find another use of them.

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