Thursday, January 28, 2010

dress down day

from left to right: melissa, lisa, julie, shanin, and moi

my massage therapy classmates and i got to enjoy a rare occasion at morgantown beauty college a recently - dress down day. for most people that mean jeans and a sweater or hoodie. not me of course, i rocked my tranquilit from top to bottom! it was so nice that we got to enjoy a day out of our scrubs.


Lisa said...

Oh how fun! So great to see someone else with that TranquiliT wear...I've been so anxious to make my purchase. Soon....soon. :) Until then, enjoy it for me!

The Depressed Yogi said...

I LOVE that we have casual jean Friday. Even though I never wear jeans, I tend to wear leggings and a tunic-y top which is way more comfy than my regular work clothes. :)

Namaste_Heather said...

Hi Melita. Don't own TraquilT, but you can always find me in my yoga pants instead of jeans too! Hope your Thursday is going great!