Thursday, December 31, 2009


with a plethora of "stop smoking" and "loose weight" commercials constantly bombarding the television it's hard not to think about what changes we want to make for ourselves for 2010. what do you want to have more (or less) of in 2010? let's not forget to be grateful for what we already have: a place to stay, a warm place to lay our head at night, friends, family, pets and each other.

2009 was a year of change for me. i went from being from a comfortable, well-paying job to being unemployed at a moment's notice. instead of letting it get me down, i saw it as an opportunity to change my life for the better and pursue my dreams of being a massage therapist and a yoga teacher. while i am the poorest that i've ever been, i am lucky to say that i am the happiest that i have ever been in my 31 years. this change has made me realize that money doesn't always bring happiness. you should do what your heart desires and the money will follow. i am half way through my massage therapy schooling and i already have a job waiting on me!!

i chose the word "focus" for 2009. while my focus on different opportunities may have changed, i never lost focus on pursuing my dreams and finding my authentic self. after finding my own path i have never been happier!

i couldn't settle on just one word for 2010 so i am going with "abundance" and "positivity." the first thought to most people's mind about abundance is money. that's not necessarily what i am going for (although it will be great to replenish my depleted savings account!). i am seeking abundance in life, love and all things positive. there is where the positivity comes in, they dovetail perfectly together.

may your 2010 be filled with joy, sparkle, warmth and mostly love! here's to the new year! hugs!!

image credit ici et ici


Emily Anne Carson said...

Great reflections, Melita! :) I'm so happy for you. You are so brave and inspiring. It's going to be a great year!

Donica Christina said...

I wish you lots and lots of abundance! For things that make your heart happy (and maybe your wallet heavy!)

Happy New Year Melita :)

Leslie said...

Happy New Year, Melita! I am sure great thiings are awaiting you in 2010!


Sarah said...

Happy New Year! I love your outlook and words of wisdom, so full of wealth. Being that I too am the poorest I've ever been (left my FT to return to school), I love reading your positive spins on life and wealth (not being money). I hope you have the best 2010!

~Kristen~ said...

Happy New Year!!! Wishing you a year blessed with happiness, good health, and prosperity!!!

I love your choice for words for 2010! I am still trying to decide on mine but I have been going back and forth between "energy" (physical and spiritual) and "choices." I may just go with both! :-)

Anonymous said...

I am so happy you are happy. Here's to a wonderful 2010!!

Olivia said...

Wishing you continued abundance and positivity for 2010! What a great year you had...I am really happy for you :) xo, O

Jessica said...

SO happy for you, and your beautiful new path :)
Here's to a happy and healthy new year!
May it be filled with joy and love.

Lavanya said...

Happy New year, Melita!! Hope your 2010 is as full of self discovery and 'richness' as your 2009 was. *hugs*

shinyyoga said...

what a year you've had! i was made redundant a few years ago and agree completely - what a great opportunity it turned out to be. I am so happy for you for finding this out : )

Wishing you all the positive abundance you can dream of in 2010 xx

Mindy said...

Happy New Year Melita! I've loved following along with your 2009 adventures! I so admire your positive attitude and how you turned your unemployment into opportunity. I also love your choice of 2010 words! Coincidentally, I think I am going with "joyful abundance" for 2010 - great minds think alike :-)

Janice Lynne Lundy said...

So nice to meet you. I love the new words you have chosen for yourself for 2010. And I am glad you have decided to join my 28-Day Meditation challenge. Yes!

I'm afraid that when you e-d me through my website, some kind of snafu happened and your e-mail address was not computed...i.e. I can't send you the e-book or sign you up for the newsletter. Can you e-me privately with it ( or try to Contact box again? Sorry about that!

Blessings to you,

Michele Fischer said...

I just found your blog today and it seems you and I had very similar thoughts for the New Year! I wish you the best for 2010!

Carolyn said...

I love your reflections on 2009!! You are so positive and inspirational, I cannot tell you how refreshing that is. While 2009 was a year of change we all came out happier and stronger, more creative and 2010 will be more than spectacular! Enjoy!! Love and Hugs!

Emma said...

thanks for visiting me :)

it's nice to know there are other folks out there transitioning with grace and style. definitely heavy on the style!!!

if you ever want to do a guest sequence, let me know, it would be an honor :)



Karen D said...

What wonderful reflections here Melita and I love your words for 2010. My words are "Release" and "Open" with the intention that the first one will lead to the second.
Wishing you a New Year filled with all that you wish for.

Amanda Fall - Sprout editor said...

Sounds like you're already off to a fantastic start in this new year. I love your choice of guiding words--you have me wondering what words I might select. Thanks for the idea!

How encouraging that you took a difficult, stressful situation and turned it into something so positive and life-affirming. You're on your way!

Katie H said...

You are an amazing lady! You insire me and I enjoy hearing about your life now as it's so different from mine! lol I'm extremely happy for you as I see your life aligning with what you want it to be. I miss you and hope that we can meet up sometime soon and some of your positive energy came rub off on me! :) Best of luck in 2010! I have no doubt that you will have an awesome year!