Saturday, August 1, 2009

august goals

ah, august. let the dog days of summer begin. it's vacation time for some, harvest time, and back to school/work for others. i am one of the lucky ones where august will be a month of fun and relaxation. but i still have a few august goals up my sleeve.

  • do some volunteer work at 'circle h' (so i can be around the horses)
  • gussy up the blog - design, layout, header, etc
  • walk cadyn for 30 mins everyday - rain or shine - because it's good for us both!
  • weekly artist's dates
  • memorize all of the bones in the body (as prep for my massage therapy classes)
  • get a $4000 grant for massage therapy school (details in a later post)
photo credit ici


judipatootie said...

Thats a busy list you have made for yourself.. conggratulations// sending positive thoughts for your grant

Sarah said...

Great goals! Good luck with the memorizing the bones!

Btw, I tried to post on your journal post, but the comment link seems to be missing. I loved it, especially the videos!

Noodlegirl said...

Ahh wish I can say the same as you know PACKING NEEDS TO BEGIN GAGS! I have read the Julie/Julia book when it first came out totally love it can't wait for the movie!

My goal is
- Pack
- lose weight
- save money!

Serafina said...

I love it that you post your goals. It's inspiring, maybe I will even get around to setting some someday.

gma said...

Came over from the wrecking crew a bit late...I see yours is totaled.
Have a good August!
Sounds wonderful.

Lucy said...

love the new pink shade & that great photo

looks like you have a sweet august ahead of you


Ally said...

I love your goals -- memorizing all of the bones in the body was difficult, but also one of my favorite things from high school anatomy... too bad I never really use that skill and have forgotten most of them! Let me know when you finish Julie & Julia -- I finished it on the plane ride home and am dying to talk about it. :o)

KK said...

Memorizing all the bones in the body would be useful for yoga teacher training as well!

Have you thought about putting a shot of your scooter on the header? I think it really sums you up perfectly.

Jessica said...

Massage therapy classes???

Is that Plan B?

Can't wait to hear more! :)

The Depressed Yogi said...

I will be your massage client, yup, even all the way from TX! :)

Anonymous said...

I like how you balance serious and fun in your goals.